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About Us

There are a great many problems in the world today and the commercial food system is one of the most impactful. Participating in and thus supporting the current food system creates health issues, sustains immoral practices, is damaging to the environment, and restricts local farmers and producers from being able to scale up or often to even exist. The Agora Food Club aims to allow its members the ability to eat local, naturally raised food and products as well as support local individuals who follow these practices. The majority of what we offer comes from less than an hour away from our physical location. Our standards are very similar to certified organic and we personally inspect and work with our suppliers to ensure the best products possible for members.

The Agora Food Club is not a traditional store. We actually do not sell anything ourselves but rather have a unique structure for the best attainment of our members’ goals and for the protection of all involved. This includes being representatives for members, being a food aggregation hub, and supplying the majority of our members’ groceries on a weekly basis.